Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Northern Arizona

After leaving the snow and cold in New Mexico and Texas, we cruised into Holbrook, Arizona under clear sunny skies with temperatures in the high 60s. Perfect weather for this time of year. We stayed at the Holbrook KOA which we think is the best campground in this area. From this vantage point, you can visit the Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, Wigwam Motel, Meteor Crater and other nearby attractions. We planned only an overnight stay before heading to Cottonwood Arizona for two weeks.

The short drive from Holbrook to Flagstaff is outstanding. The road travels through indian lands, mainly Navajo tribes.

This is the Continental Divide where it crosses in Northern Arizona. The Continental Divide wanders back and forth from north to south across the United States. From this point water flows westward towards the Pacific and eastward towards the Atlantic. Earlier this year we crossed it in Southern Arizona.

Much of this area was formed many years ago and consists of sandstone cliffs which show off their colors depending on the orientation of the sun.

As stated earlier, much of this area is Indian land occupied by many Navajo tribes. They make outstanding turquoise jewelry.

Not all of Arizona is desert and cacti. Most of Northern Arizona is grazing land consisting of desert grasses. This area was formed by erupting volcanos eons ago.

As we neared Flagstaff, the San Francisco peaks were bathed in clouds. The peaks offer snow skiing in  the winter and excellent hiking in the summer.

The San Francisco Peaks are the remains of a stratovolcano, which contains a aquifer within the calderon. This aquifer supplies much of the water supply to Flagstaff. Humphreys Peak, seen here shrouded in clouds rises over 12,000 feet and is the highest point in the State of Arizona.

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